


  1. Negotiation: The insurance company will first attempt to negotiate with the claimant to reach an agreement on the amount of compensation. This negotiation process should be conducted in good faith and should be documented by the insurance company.

  2. Arbitration: If the claimant and the insurance company cannot reach an agreement through negotiation, the matter can be referred to arbitration. Arbitration is a private dispute resolution process in which the parties present their case to a neutral arbitrator. The arbitrator's decision is binding on both parties.

  3. Trial: If the claimant and the insurance company are unable to reach an agreement through arbitration, the matter can be taken to trial. In a trial, the jury will hear evidence from both sides and make a decision based on the facts of the case.

  4. Judgment: If the jury finds the insurance company liable, the court will award damages to the claimant. The amount of damages will depend on the severity of the injury or loss sustained by the claimant.
